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Welcome to the Baicells' community forum! The goal of this forum is to establish a platform for operators and network wizards to discuss & ask questions about Baicells' products and services while providing support through our knowledgeable staff. We look forward to interacting with you!


Getting started with Baicells and looking for more information to get you rolling? Stop on here and take a look at the valuable materials put together by Baicells staff and others.


Your one-stop-shop for in-depth discussions regarding Baicells' hardware, known bugs, software, and antennas. Our support staff is ready to contribute to any discussion to ensure you're on the right path and getting the answers you need.

Feature Requests

Our products are continuing to evolve per the requests of our customers to include the latest and greatest features possible. Have an incredible idea on how we can improve your experience with our products or want to provide constructive criticism on previous/current features? Here's where you can do that.


Drowning in terminology or concepts you weren't prepared for? LTE can seem daunting at first but we're here to make it as simple as possible. We know your network is your baby and our support specialists are ready to share their knowledge and put your mind at ease.


Have a success story to share or want to discuss how you utilized an unconventional method to conquer a market? Maybe you need help establishing your network in a difficult location or just want to show off those rocketing numbers. This is the place for those who embrace creative solutions and want to show off and spread your knowledge to others.