KP Performance Reflector Tests

Ken and I have been on the road to Memphis all week testing the Baicells Atom 11 db with our reflectors and wanted to share these results with the Baicells operators as soon as we compiled them. We are very excited with the results and we hope you feel our excitement. We hope to see everyone at Wispamerica next week and answer any questions you may have, if you can’t make the show please reach out to one of us.

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What gain are these reflectors?

We’re seeing about 4 db on the small reflectors, and 6 db on the larger reflector.

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So I’ve had enough time to really compare.

These are working great for us! We’re seeing 5-8dm RX improvements on clients vs the 19dBi units where the distance is farther out. Much more than we were expecting.

As for NLoS, the 19dBi flat panel work better closer to the tower. I’m assuming the lower gain unit is better coping with multipath. Each has their place.
If the distance from the treeline is more than about a Km then the reflectors are big improvement. They’ve increased our effective coverage area by a factor of 2!

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