Atom CPE LAN status

Where can I see the status of the LAN jack? We need to see if it’s up or down during troubleshooting, we commonly use this to make sure a device is getting power cycled or the right cable is being unplugged. Also, if it’s 10/100 H/F etc.

Can we disable the LAN jack? Sometimes we do this for non-payment. I guess here we could clamp down the SIM card in the BOSS, but it’d be nice to have that option.

I’ve shot the same question to support for the same reasons…
This was there response:

Cameron Kilton (BaiCells Technologies) Aug 16, 8:26 PM CDT

Yes, it’s coming in a upcoming firmware by end of month-ish.

Cameron Kilton
Baicells Technologies, N.A. Inc.[/spoiler]

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